Exam/Assessment Preparation
in: Academics
in: Academics
Join us for Options 2024 on Thursday, Oct. 17. This is an annual education symposium held at the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. Participants include approximately 20 universities, community colleges, Bible colleges, and 25 career / local employers. During periods 3-5, students in grade 12 will have opportunity to explore the various options that are available to them after graduation. Grade 9-11 students are welcome to attend on their lunch hour. Parents/Guardians of HSD students (all schools), and community members, are… Read More
The Sabres rugby team had their championship finals this evening at Maple Grove. Our very undersized “mighty mite” squad did it again this year and are the for the 3rd time in a row. We couldn’t be more proud to get to coach this very eclectic group and I know for many rugby has become their safe space. The final scores are really irrelevant, but they beat their rivals Stonewall Collegiate in the semis by a score of 10-5 and… Read More
in: Athletics
Bernd Seibel (Cabinet making), David Wall (Welding), Samara Baltazar (Car painting), Micah Bergman (Carpentry), Alyse Unrau (Hairstyling) Welding: Gold Medal What an intense couple of days we had at the welding competition. David’s time in this competition was split between two days; each day David was starting and finishing a brand-new project. Day one project was heavily influenced by the history of Old Quebec, specifically the tower fortifications on 97 Saint-Louis St Quebec City; which was built in 1608 to… Read More
in: General
The last 4 days SRSS had 19 teams with 55 athletes compete in the Manitoba High School Beach Volleyball Championships. On Wednesday our JV teams competed in pool play. 11 of the 14 JV teams placed in the top half of their pool advancing to the championship bracket. 3 teams advanced to the consolation bracket. Thursday was very rainy, cold and windy, but teams persisted in the elements to compete. While many teams were knocked out in the pre-quarters or… Read More
in: Athletics
The Sabre rugby team battled the elements today in their annual SRSS Invitational. For the 3rd year in a row they are tournament champions! Our 5 team tournament quickly turned into a 4 team tournament because Kelvin high school was worried the “roads would wash out”. Vincent Massey Brandon, Stonewall and Lorette were able to make the trip in. We played Vincent Massey Brandon in the finals and won 31-0. I am so proud of each and every player on… Read More
in: Athletics
From Mitchell Gallinger I come to you bearing good tidings from the second annual Scholastic Esports Expo. The day was busy but in a chill way. Students got to meet with some interesting vendors and businesses from the gaming field, and two of our students won raffle prizes! Isaiah Wilkinson getting a cool 3D printed dragon, and Evan Krahn winning a gift card. When it comes to games, we maintained the Steinbach tradition of doing well and being top finishers… Read More
in: General
It was a dream come true moment for the SRSS vocal jazz group Spectrum Thursday night at the Canada Life Centre. They got to sing with the classic rock group Foreigner. Read the whole story on Steinbach Online .
in: General
Jazz at the Regional is our annual celebration of what our jazz bands and vocal ensemble have been working on this year. We feature the Grade 9, 10 and Senior Jazz Bands as well as Spectrum, our renowned vocal ensemble. This concert was recorded on April 18, 2024 in our very own SRSS Theatre, also known as Steinbach’s House of Jazz.
in: General
The SRSS had a great day at Red River College with our Vocational students competing in their trades at MB Skill Competition! Read more @SteinbachOnline
in: General