- School Administration
- Grade Level Teams
- Parent Advisory Council
- Community Reports
- School Plans
Welcome to the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. We hope that you enjoy your journey through our school’s website. The SRSS houses over 1,700 students in grades 9-12 and approximately 200 teachers, educational assistants and other support staff. We offer a wide range of academic and vocational programs as well as innovative business and technology courses. Because of the variety of educational opportunities we offer at the SRSS, we are able to draw students from many surrounding communities in Hanover School Division.
Throughout the school year, we will focus on our mission of “Prepare, Empower and Inspire” as well as promote our school’s core beliefs. At the SRSS, we value engaged thinking, ethical citizenship and the pursuit of excellence. Everyone connected to our school community is encouraged to keep these values in mind during all aspects of our daily school lives.
As a team of school administrators, we look forward to connecting with all of our students and their families and are eager to work alongside a tremendously hard-working staff. It is our hope that all who visit our school community, either in person or online, get a true sense of the sincere commitment that our students and teachers have made in making the SRSS second to none.
Sherry BestvaterPrincipal sbestvater@hsd.ca
Cam KelbertPrincipal ckelbert@hsd.ca
Kimberley FunkVice-Principal kfunk@hsd.ca
Lawney PennerVice-Principal lpenner@hsd.ca
Greg SawatzkyVice-Principal gsawatzky@hsd.ca
Jaime SiskaVice-Principal jsiska@hsd.ca
At the SRSS our principals, guidance counselors and learning support teachers follow students throughout their high school career. This means that the same principal, guidance counselor and learning support teacher that welcomed your child in grade 9, will be with them until the end of grade 12. We believe that this helps build meaningful relationships with both students and parents and provide a sense of a small community within a large school.
The grade-level teams listed here each consist of, from left to right, administration (principal or vice-principal), guidance, and learning support staff. The grade-level teams are as follows:
Grads of 2025 (Grade 12)
Greg SawatzkyVice-Principal gsawatzky@hsd.ca
Jon DyckGuidance jondyck@hsd.ca
Katherine WiensLearning Support kwiens@hsd.ca
Grads of 2026 (Grade 11)
Lawney PennerVice-Principal lpenner@hsd.ca
Kim FriesenGuidance kifriesen@hsd.ca
Jackie WillisLearning Support jwillis@hsd.ca
Grads of 2027 (Grade 10)
Jaime SiskaVice-Principal jsiska@hsd.ca
Michael ThiessenGuidance micthiessen@hsd.ca
Dana LoewenLearning Support dloewen@hsd.ca
Grads of 2028 (Grade 9)
Kimberley FunkVice-Principal kfunk@hsd.ca
Darcey SteinerGuidance dsteiner@hsd.ca
Char HeinrichsGuidance cheinrichs@hsd.ca
Kirstie MacLeanLearning Support kmaclean@hsd.ca
Julie WiebeLearning Support juwiebe@hsd.ca
The SRSS values parent and community input on various topics. One of the many ways in which parents can have a voice within the school is by being part of our Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Currently, our PAC meets four times a year and is made up of parents, school principals and two teacher representatives. During meetings the council is updated on various topics and projects going on within the school community. PAC provides a place for meaningful dialogue and questions and a chance for parents to have their voices heard.
Parent Members | PAC Chair - PAC Secretary - |
Staff Members | Sherry Bestvater, Cam Kelbert, Greg Sawatzky, Jason Wiebe, Lawney Penner, Jaime Siska, Dana Duizer, Sarah Barkman |