• English as Add. Lang.
  • Flexible Education

English as an Additional Language

The EAL (English as an Additional Language) program at the SRSS provides differentiated academic and social support for newcomers to Canada. The program offers three different credit courses that allow students to develop their skills and abilities to communicate effectively in English; EAL11G (listening and speaking), EAL21G (reading and writing), and EAL31G (intro to high school academic content).

Additional supports are provided in a variety of ways by the EAL teacher, peers, classroom teachers and educational assistants. These supports come in a variety of settings that may include (but are not limited to): teacher collaboration, in-class support, bridging classes, short-term, flexible ‘pull-out’ groupings for beginning/survival language or literacy support, homework or tutoring help.

The EAL classroom itself provides additional space for any and all students to spend their unstructured time, bond with one another and form friendships. Regardless of the time period in the EAL room, cultural and linguistic diversity are constantly being celebrated. In fact, at any given time you can hear multiple languages being spoken in the classroom space. The SRSS has become a new home to students from Bolivia, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Germany, India, Israel, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, Paraguay, Philippines, Russia, Syria, and Ukraine.

EAL Staff

Flexible Education

The Flex Ed program is for SRSS students that need more flexibility in their programming and the general learning environment. Staff work one-on-one or in small groups with students in all core subjects as well as some of their electives. Students may take all their classes in the Flex Ed classrooms or choose to access classes in other spaces in the school to add to the variety of their studies e.g. Vocational Education, Art, Physical Education. The Flex Ed program is open to SRSS students in grade 9 to 12. Students become part of the program by being placed in it or also may apply to be part of it. Applications are available through the Guidance Office.

Flex. Ed. Staff