Staff Info Center

The listing below is a searchable directory of the many resources available on this website. If you are looking for some specific resource, try typing a description in the search box below.

Attendance PolicyTeaching staff information relating to student attendance.Forms
Bus Requisition FormAn excel spreadsheet for bus requisition.Forms
Extra Curricular HoursCollecting points for a day off? This form is to be used to collect EC hours. Please check with Cam/Sherry for hours you intend to submit.Forms
Forms PDF SenderThis link allows you to generate a PDF of your IW, Parent Consent and Learning Trip form submissions. The PDF is emailed back to you.Forms
G-Suite Account InformationG-Suite computer accounts - details and information about staff/student accounts.Forms
Gradebook Mark EntryWhere do I enter my marks? T1? C1? I am so confused!Forms
Gradebook Sem 1 Term ReportInstructions for end of MidTerm Semester 1 ReportingFolders
Gradebook Sem 1 The FinalInstructions for end of Semester 1 ReportingDocs
Gradebook Sem 2 Term ReportInstructions for end of MidTerm Semester 2 ReportingDocs
Gradebook Sem 2 The FinalInstructions for end of Semester 2 ReportingFolders
Gradebook Setting Up TermsHow do I set up my term calculations for T1, C1, E1, F1?Folders
Learning Trip Proposal FormUse this form to prepare your submission to admin for proposed learning trips (including those for Innovation Week).Docs
Minutes - Learning Leader MeetingsMinutes of all Learning Leader meetings.Docs
Minutes - Staff MeetingsMinutes of all SRSS staff meetings.Docs
Miscellaneous Forms & DocsA google drive folder containing miscellaneous forms (bus requisition, extra-curricular hours, etc.)Docs
Parent Permission Slip GeneratorThis form is to be used to create a printable Parent Permission Slip.Docs
School Phone ListThe list of internal phone extensions @ the SRSS.Docs
Staff HandbookAll you need to know to work at the SRSSDocs
Student and School Safety Manual2024-2025 Student and School Safety ManualDocs
Supervision Duty InfoRoles and responsibilities relating to supervision duty.Docs
Supervision Schedule2024-2025 S1 Supervision Schedule--
TPGAP DocumentsTeacher Professional Growth and Assessment Program (TPGAP) - a folder containing all pertinent documents.Docs