Staff Info Center
The listing below is a searchable directory of the many resources available on this website. If you are looking for some specific resource, try typing a description in the search box below.
Title | Description | Type |
Attendance Policy | Teaching staff information relating to student attendance. | Forms |
Bus Requisition Form | An excel spreadsheet for bus requisition. | Forms |
Extra Curricular Hours | Collecting points for a day off? This form is to be used to collect EC hours. Please check with Cam/Sherry for hours you intend to submit. | Forms |
Forms PDF Sender | This link allows you to generate a PDF of your IW, Parent Consent and Learning Trip form submissions. The PDF is emailed back to you. | Forms |
G-Suite Account Information | G-Suite computer accounts - details and information about staff/student accounts. | Forms |
Gradebook Mark Entry | Where do I enter my marks? T1? C1? I am so confused! | Forms |
Gradebook Sem 1 Term Report | Instructions for end of MidTerm Semester 1 Reporting | Folders |
Gradebook Sem 1 The Final | Instructions for end of Semester 1 Reporting | Docs |
Gradebook Sem 2 Term Report | Instructions for end of MidTerm Semester 2 Reporting | Docs |
Gradebook Sem 2 The Final | Instructions for end of Semester 2 Reporting | Folders |
Gradebook Setting Up Terms | How do I set up my term calculations for T1, C1, E1, F1? | Folders |
Learning Trip Proposal Form | Use this form to prepare your submission to admin for proposed learning trips (including those for Innovation Week). | Docs |
Minutes - Learning Leader Meetings | Minutes of all Learning Leader meetings. | Docs |
Minutes - Staff Meetings | Minutes of all SRSS staff meetings. | Docs |
Miscellaneous Forms & Docs | A google drive folder containing miscellaneous forms (bus requisition, extra-curricular hours, etc.) | Docs |
Parent Permission Slip Generator | This form is to be used to create a printable Parent Permission Slip. | Docs |
School Phone List | The list of internal phone extensions @ the SRSS. | Docs |
Staff Handbook | All you need to know to work at the SRSS | Docs |
Student and School Safety Manual | 2024-2025 Student and School Safety Manual | Docs |
Supervision Duty Info | Roles and responsibilities relating to supervision duty. | Docs |
Supervision Schedule | 2024-2025 S1 Supervision Schedule | -- |
TPGAP Documents | Teacher Professional Growth and Assessment Program (TPGAP) - a folder containing all pertinent documents. | Docs |